Sunday, November 19, 2006


A woman who has fallen out of love with her lover and is trying to explain why she no longer wants an intimate relationship with him.

I've come here to talk to you
About something I don't understand.
I don't mean to hurt you,
But I don't want you for my man.

I used to long for you to touch me,
Now I can't stand it when you do.
What happened to us
To make me fall out of love with you?

I don't mean to hurt your feelings,
But I can't fake it anymore.
It's hard for me to lie to myself,
And you need to know the score.

No, I have found someone else,
I fallen out of love .
Maybe it'd be easier to leave you,
And not feel so damn bad.

Maybe we've been together too long,
Maybe we've never really grown.
But all I know for sure
Is I'm ready to move on.

Don't misunderstand when I tell you I still love you,
'Cause I don't want to start anew.
But even though I love you,
I don't want to be with you.

I love you like a brother,
Not like a lover.
I know you don't want to hear this,
But we can't take this any further.

I only wish the best for you,
I know you feel that for me, too.
That's why I came here to talk
That's why I'm saying these things to you.

Maybe if I were older,
Maybe if I were different,
I could accept the love I feel for you,
And not want one so intimate.

So let's end this while we can,
Let's end it on good terms.
I hope we can be friends,
But if you can't, I'll understand...

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